Code Jam Dec 14

Code Jam Dec 14

Want to get an edge in the workforce or hone your online skills?  WOMEN EMPOWERED BY DATAIn a low stress learning environment, we’ll teach you immediately useful things like creating Google and Microsoft forms of various types, using the Zoom...

Our next monthly chapter meeting Nov 24

Our next monthly chapter meeting Nov 24

10 am to noon First Church UCC, Room 71407 N Second Street(and E Willetta St)Phoenix, AZ 85004 Just east of the Burton Barr Library Coffee and breakfast at 9:30. It's a chance to mingle and get to know one another before our meeting starts, so come early for some...

Our next monthly chapter meeting Oct 27

Our next monthly chapter meeting Oct 27

10 am to noon First Church UCC, Room 71407 N Second Street(and E Willetta St)Phoenix, AZ 85004 Just east of the Burton Barr Library Guest speaker to be announced soon. Coffee and breakfast at 9:30. It's a chance to mingle and get to know one another before our meeting...

Sept meeting recap

Sept meeting recap

Recap of guest speaker from Sept 22 meeting. Stanford Prescott, International Rescue Committee, talking points:International rescue committee was founded in 1933 by Albert EinsteinJewish immigrants fleeing from Europe, since then fleeing from genocide,...

Unlock the Future rally on Dec. 8

Unlock the Future rally on Dec. 8

Help AZ OrganizeAZ NOW chapter will have its first meeting along with the Coalition of Common Causes on Sunday, September 22 at 1 pm at the First Church UCC, 1407 N Second St, Phoenix AZ. The topic will be the upcoming Unlock the Future rally on Dec. 8, 2019,...

August meeting recap

August meeting recap

Dianne Post brought an action to the meeting. Uncage and Reunite Families, a local group fighting the cruel policies and heartless treatment of refugees and asylum seekers, is working with other groups to encourage Congress to do field hearings in Arizona...

Moms Demand Action

Moms Demand Action

About 300 people came out for the smarter gun laws rally on August 18, organized by Moms Demand Action. Our NOW chapter tabled in support of the event. There were some great speakers, and sad personal stories shared of lost loved ones by gun violence. It...

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