February Social Movie Event

February Social Movie Event

Join the women of Central Phoenix Inez Casiano NOW for a movie viewing of Catching Sight of Thelma & Louise. This movie features, CPIC NOW Treasurer, Dianne Post! She will be at the movie showing. This film highlights the impact the film Thelma &...

Monthly Chapter Meeting Jan 26

Monthly Chapter Meeting Jan 26

10 am to noonFirst Church UCC, Room 71407 N Second Street(and E Willetta St)Phoenix, AZ 85004  Coffee and breakfast at 9:30. It's a chance to mingle and get to know one another before our meeting starts, so come early for some treats.SEE YOU THERE...

December Chapter Meeting Recap

December Chapter Meeting Recap

Central Phoenix Inez Casiano NOW met on December 22nd for our December Chapter Meeting. Our guest speaker, Diego Rodriguez, educated NOW members on the marijuana legislature on the ballot for 2020. The marijuana legislation can be confusing, we want to...

Code Jam Recap

Code Jam Recap

Central Phoenix Inez Casino NOW hosted our first Code Jam on December 14th at the ASU Downtown Library. This event empowered women through data by teaching immediately useful things like creating Google and Microsoft forms of various types, using the Zoom...

Our next monthly chapter meeting Dec 22

Our next monthly chapter meeting Dec 22

10 am to noonFirst Church UCC, Room 71407 N Second Street(and E Willetta St)Phoenix, AZ 85004Just east of the Burton Barr Library Photo by Rick Proctor on Unsplash Coffee and breakfast at 9:30. It's a chance to mingle and get to know one another before our meeting...

Nov meeting recap: FBI, CIA, ICE, IRS, RTS

Nov meeting recap: FBI, CIA, ICE, IRS, RTS

Judith Simons presenting information to NOW members header photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash FBI, CIA, ICE, IRS, RTS - which ones of these does not fit? Well it's RTS of course. RTS stands for Request to Speak and with that, you can...

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