ONLINE Monthly Chapter Meeting June 28th

ONLINE Monthly Chapter Meeting June 28th

10 am to noonWe are hosting this meeting online.  CPIC NOW is adapting! Due to COVID-19, we are hosting our June meeting online.Meeting starts at 10:00 amJune speakers will start off the meeting and our Chapter Meeting will begin afterward.Join Zoom...

County Attorney Debate – July 2nd

County Attorney Debate – July 2nd

The importance of having a County Attorney for the people has never been more important. This year, in Arizona, there have been a record number of Democrat candidates running for County Attorney. CPIC NOW is hosting an exclusive debate event with current...

ONLINE Monthly Chapter Meeting May 24

ONLINE Monthly Chapter Meeting May 24

10 am to noonWe are hosting this meeting online. Zoom link provided below. CPIC NOW is adapting! Due to COVID-19, we are hosting our May meeting online.Join us on Sunday, May 24th from your computer or smartphone. Meeting starts at 10:00 amMay speaker,...

Mrs America Zoom Panel Discussion

Mrs America Zoom Panel Discussion

The recent Hulu show, Mrs. America takes a look at the second wave of the Women's Movement and events surrounding the ratification of the ERA. Naturally, we need to discuss it! Join us for a Zoom panel, we will discuss the accuracies and inaccuracies of...

Legislative Committee Meeting – March 15

Legislative Committee Meeting – March 15

Legislative Committee Meeting for the legislative session of 2020 will meet on Sunday, March 15th, 10 am to 12pm, at Urban Beans, on 7th Street, North of Osborn in Phoenix. If you are interested in working on the legislative agenda and issues join us. You...

CANCELED – March Social Event

CANCELED – March Social Event

Central Phoenix | Inez Casiano NOW has been closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as the health and safety of our members and community is our top priority. We are staying apprised of what is happening in the greater Phoenix community and...

Monthly Chapter Meeting Feb 23rd

Monthly Chapter Meeting Feb 23rd

10 am to noon First Church UCC, Room 71407 N Second Street(and E Willetta St)Phoenix, AZ 85004   Coffee and breakfast at 9:30. It's a chance to mingle and get to know one another before our meeting starts, so come early for some treats. SEE YOU THERE...

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