March 28 Chapter Meeting

March 28 Chapter Meeting

  This meeting will be hosted online  6pm to 8pm  At each monthly chapter meeting we discuss the events and actions that the organization has done over the past month, including legislative, events, membership and partnership updates. All board members and committees...

March Legislative Committee Meeting

March Legislative Committee Meeting

Legislative Committee Meeting for the legislative session of 2022 will meet on Sunday, March 20th from 10 am to 12 pm, online via Zoom. If you are interested in working on the legislative agenda and issues join us.   You don't have to have knowledge or experience...

September Monthly Chapter Meeting

September Monthly Chapter Meeting

6 pm to 8 pm We are hosting this meeting online.  Each Chapter Meeting, we discuss the happenings of the last month. Each board member and committee reports on their activities. This is a great opportunity to become more familiar and involved with CPIC NOW. All...

September Legislative Committee Meeting

September Legislative Committee Meeting

Legislative Committee Meeting for the legislative session of 2021 will meet on Sunday, September 19th from 10 am to 12 pm, online via Zoom. If you are interested in working on the legislative agenda and issues join us.   You don't have to have knowledge or...

August Monthly Chapter Meeting

August Monthly Chapter Meeting

6 pm to 8 pm We are hosting this meeting online.  Each Chapter Meeting, we discuss the happenings of the last month. Each board member and committee reports on their activities. This is a great opportunity to become more familiar and involved with CPIC NOW. All...

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