10-19-16 US Pres Candidate Debate Watch Party @ SunUp on Camelback Rd w/ NOW Central Phoenix
Inez Casiano – Central Phoenix Chapter of the National Organization for Women invites members & non-members to watch the third 2016 US Presidential Candidate Debate…
Donald Trump Promotes Sexual Assault As a Rich Man’s Perk
Donald Trump must be stopped. Someone with such disrespect for women, with such a misogynistic lifestyle who boasts about using his power to sexually assault women cannot–and will not–be the leader of this country.
10-9-16 Presidential Debate Watch Party #iVoteNOW
Inez Casiano / Central Phoenix NOW Chapter invites members & non-members * Sunday, October 9th * 5:30-8:00 pm (Debate Time 6-7:30)
#ImWithHer Debate Watch Party 9-26-2016
NOW is a bi-partisan organization that has endorsed Hillary Clinton for President in the 2016 election.
Over 40 participants signed in to the event…
9-25-16 #602NOW September Brunch Meeting
Join us and speaker: Joy Bertrand, attorney, who recently won a case against Arpaio about shacking pregnant women…
Votes for WOMEN Celebration 8-26-16
Join us for this non-partisan, historic event honoring those who worked tirelessly for over 72 years to bring women the right to vote.
8-17-16 Phoenix Scottsdale NOW * Meeting
Chapter meeting and more…
7-17-16 Phoenix Scottsdale NOW meeting
Sunday, July 17, 2016 10:00 – 12:00, OCITILLO PHX, 3243 N 3rd St, Phoenix, AZ 85012, Join us for…
8-26-16 VOTES 4 Women AZ
A coalition of women’s groups from around AZ will be hosting a grand celebration to honor the Suffragists who came before us and inspire women to get involved in the political process.
First round of AZ NOW PAC endorsements are here!
The heat is on and AZ NOW’s membership vows to fight fire with the hottest weapons – their social media prowess and their vote.
Central Phoenix/Inez Casiano Statement on the Supreme Court Decision on Hobby Lobby v Burwell
The Supreme Court ruled that some private employers with religious objections can refuse to cover contraception for women employees…This is clearly an attack on women.
Join Central Phoenix/Inez Casiano in the Hobby Lobby Reproductive Rights Protest.
The Supreme Court ruled that some private employers with religious objections can refuse to cover contraception for women employees…