Burning Bra Protest Rally Georgia

830 Willoughby Way, NE Atlanta Georgia. Take action on Sunday, Nov. 19 by joining a "Burning Bra Protest" to denounce the 6-week abortion ban that has been imposed in Georgia. Hosted by Georgia NOW Join the Atlanta action or do your own! Send photos and video to the...

September Legislative Committee Meeting

September Legislative Committee Meeting

Legislative Committee Meeting for the legislative session of 2022 will meet on Sunday, September 18 from 10 am to 12 pm, online via Zoom. If you are interested in working on the legislative agenda and issues join us.   You don't have to have knowledge or...

Women’s Equality Day August 26th

Women’s Equality Day August 26th

Our foremothers fought for our right to vote and we continue to fight for full equality for our daughters. There is more to do.  To make the Equal Rights Amendment effective here are your CALLS TO ACTION: 1. Vote like your rights depend on it because they do! We list...

August Legislative Committee Meeting

August Legislative Committee Meeting

Legislative Committee Meeting for the legislative session of 2022 will meet on Sunday, August 21st from 10 am to 12 pm, online via Zoom. If you are interested in working on the legislative agenda and issues join us.   You don't have to have knowledge or...

July Legislative Committee Meeting

July Legislative Committee Meeting

Legislative Committee Meeting for the legislative session of 2022 will meet on Sunday, July 17th from 10 am to 12 pm, online via Zoom. If you are interested in working on the legislative agenda and issues join us.   You don't have to have knowledge or experience...

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