ERA Forum

ERA Forum

Join NOW at this very important event and let our representatives know that this matters to us. Hosted by ERA Task Force AZ Friday, January 18, 2019 from 10 AM – 1 PM Executive Tower 3rd Fl CONFERENCE ROOM 1700 W. Washington St. Phoenix,...

Demetra Presley speaks about Go With the Flow

Demetra Presley speaks about Go With the Flow

Demetra Presley, Go With the Flow, a 501(c)3 group dedicated to girls and women’s access to feminine hygiene products, spoke with our group at the December meeting. Along with her handout, she reported that 1 in 5 girls misses school because of not having...

More about refugees

More about refugees

Mary Jo Miller from a women’s refugee assistance group spoke at our December meeting about the problems in the dog-pens, icebox, women who are deported, for-profit detention center, and county jails. Many women are getting only one menstrual pad a day. It...

The Legislature is coming

The Legislature is coming

Be sure to take advantage of this offer from the League of Women Voters on basic advocacy training. The next AZ legislative session begins on Monday, January 14th.  Given last year's successful grass-roots advocacy efforts, we hope you'll consider how YOU...

Our next monthly chapter meeting: Dec 30

Our next monthly chapter meeting: Dec 30

Our guest speaker for December will be Demetra Presley, Founder and Executive Director of Go With The Flow. Go With The Flow is a non-profit organization that provides menstrual hygiene products to students in Tucson, Phoenix, and neighboring metropolitan...

Meeting with Kazakhstan Delegation for Global Ties

Meeting with Kazakhstan Delegation for Global Ties

They had questions about quotas, what kind of actions worked best to change the law, the bathroom issue with transgender people, and the hierarchy of laws regarding how marijuana was treated since it is illegal at the federal level but legal in many states, and the six NOW issues. We also talked about the impact of religion on our Arizona politics, local control by our cities, and the prominence of lawyers in every human rights fight.

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