How can NOW support you?

How can NOW support you?

Community Round Table Central Phoenix • Inez Casiano NOW is meeting Sept. 17th to discuss how to build a better Phoenix for all women. We need to hear from you! As we gear up for the upcoming legislative session, NOW wants to make sure our actions are...

Back to Health Workshop

Back to Health Workshop

On Saturday, July 20, Zoe Ebling and Patricia Sahertian tabled at the Back to School, Back to Health workshop hosted by Desert Star Institute for Family Planning at Changing Hands book store in Phoenix.Ms. Wanda of Branching Out AZ talked about the power...

Call to artists

Call to artists

Women, submit your work!The Herberger Theater Art Gallery is calling for women to submit art about and by women. Work will be selected using a blind jurying process; jury will consist of artists from various disciplines. Submitted art will be judged by its...

Our next monthly chapter meeting: May 26

Our next monthly chapter meeting: May 26

THIS MONTH: NEW LOCATION, NEW TIME This month’s speaker is Clover Johnson, who researches education technology as a doctoral student at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV).  She will discuss her use of technology to facilitate the...

Our next monthly chapter meeting: August 25

Our next monthly chapter meeting: August 25

NEW LOCATION – AND COME EARLY FOR BREAKFAST This month we are offering a Slack workshop. Slack brings all your communication together Teamwork in Slack happens in channels — a single place for messaging, tools and files — helping everyone save time and...

Our next monthly chapter meeting: July 28

Our next monthly chapter meeting: July 28

NEW LOCATION – THE USUAL TIMEGuest speaker: Abigail Brammer, J.D., Director of Outreach ServicesAbigail Brammer coordinates scheduling and delivery of AccessMed workshops and counseling outreach services. She develops and maintains community partnerships and...

NOW National Conference

NOW National Conference

Dianne Post reported back from the NOW National conference held in Minnesota this past weekend. The theme was Feminist Agenda Rising: Our Time is NOW. Resolutions and by laws were discussed and Dianne paneled on a workshop Pushing Forward: Advancing the...

Abortion is Healthcare

Abortion is Healthcare

DeShawna Taylor, MD, FACOG, from Desert Star Family Planning was the guest speaker at our June 23 meeting. These are some of the statistics she shared with us: 50% of women under 45 will have an unintended pregnancy; 40% of those will result in abortion....

Our next monthly chapter meeting: June 23

Our next monthly chapter meeting: June 23

NEW LOCATION – THE USUAL TIME “Reproductive freedom for women is theoretical without providers. It is imperative that we create sustainable programs to train the next generations of providers of family planning.” ~ DeShawn Taylor DeShawn Taylor, MD, MSc is...

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