Jalakoi Solomon and NextGen

Jalakoi Solomon and NextGen

Jalakoi Solomon, NextGen State Director, spoke at our January meeting. NextGen’s focus is on college students, voting, 13-35 age group, and climate change. They have five main issues that the youth themselves have chosen as their top priority and they are...
Our next monthly chapter meeting: February 24

Our next monthly chapter meeting: February 24

Our guest speaker in February will be Meghan Hiryak, Outreach Advocate at Bloom365, regarding her findings on hysterectomies and the intersection of race and reproductive rights. I work as an Outreach Advocate for Bloom365, a nonprofit organization that works with...
Demetra Presley speaks about Go With the Flow

Demetra Presley speaks about Go With the Flow

Demetra Presley, Go With the Flow, a 501(c)3 group dedicated to girls and women’s access to feminine hygiene products, spoke with our group at the December meeting. Along with her handout, she reported that 1 in 5 girls misses school because of not having access to...
More about refugees

More about refugees

Mary Jo Miller from a women’s refugee assistance group spoke at our December meeting about the problems in the dog-pens, icebox, women who are deported, for-profit detention center, and county jails. Many women are getting only one menstrual pad a day. It was reported...
Our next monthly chapter meeting: Dec 30

Our next monthly chapter meeting: Dec 30

Our guest speaker for December will be Demetra Presley, Founder and Executive Director of Go With The Flow. Go With The Flow is a non-profit organization that provides menstrual hygiene products to students in Tucson, Phoenix, and neighboring metropolitan areas via...
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