August meeting recap

August meeting recap

Dianne Post brought an action to the meeting. Uncage and Reunite Families, a local group fighting the cruel policies and heartless treatment of refugees and asylum seekers, is working with other groups to encourage Congress to do field hearings in Arizona to learn the...
Our next monthly chapter meeting: August 25

Our next monthly chapter meeting: August 25

NEW LOCATION – AND COME EARLY FOR BREAKFAST This month we are offering a Slack workshop. Slack brings all your communication together Teamwork in Slack happens in channels — a single place for messaging, tools and files — helping everyone save time and collaborate...
Our next monthly chapter meeting: July 28

Our next monthly chapter meeting: July 28

NEW LOCATION – THE USUAL TIMEGuest speaker: Abigail Brammer, J.D., Director of Outreach ServicesAbigail Brammer coordinates scheduling and delivery of AccessMed workshops and counseling outreach services. She develops and maintains community partnerships and...
Abortion is Healthcare

Abortion is Healthcare

DeShawna Taylor, MD, FACOG, from Desert Star Family Planning was the guest speaker at our June 23 meeting. These are some of the statistics she shared with us: 50% of women under 45 will have an unintended pregnancy; 40% of those will result in abortion. 66% use birth...
Our next monthly chapter meeting: June 23

Our next monthly chapter meeting: June 23

NEW LOCATION – THE USUAL TIME “Reproductive freedom for women is theoretical without providers. It is imperative that we create sustainable programs to train the next generations of providers of family planning.” ~ DeShawn Taylor DeShawn Taylor, MD, MSc is a...
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