Thank You, Athena

Thank You, Athena

We would like to thank State Representative Athena Salman for her time speaking to our chapter at our January 28th meeting. She made a presentation of “Legislation that would empower women” which is attached. Please take a look at all the things she is...
Send Us Your T-Shirt Ideas

Send Us Your T-Shirt Ideas

We want to make some t-shirts for our chapter and we need your help. We are going to print on a dark color shirt with a white logo on the front. But what do we want on the back? Come up with some clever feminist slogan, activist idea or whatever you think is...


We love buttons and apparently so do you! When we table at events, everyone wants some buttons. We are planning to have a button making get together soon. Details to be announced. Here is a template for the button maker that we have. Make some designs up or send some...
Together We Rise, follow up

Together We Rise, follow up

The opening day of the legislature rally organized by Fortitude AZ focused on the theme of “Can You Hear Me?” to represent the voices of thousands of citizens in Arizona who are not being heard at the legislature. Over 200 people gathered in front of the...
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