by Central Phoenix NOW | Mar 27, 2019 | Meeting
Next month’s speaker is Eddie Sissons, a budget guru who will explain the mysteries of the AZ state budget. The budget is scheduled to be signed on April 27th, but will most likely be postponed due to conflicts in opinion. Sunday, April 28, 2019 from 10 am – noonHazel...
by Central Phoenix NOW | Mar 27, 2019 | Conference
National NOW Conference – July 19-21, Minneapolis. The AZ State NOW board will award a maximum of two scholarships for first time attendees to the national conference. The scholarships will cover 3 night’s hotel expense in a shared double room (approximately...
by Central Phoenix NOW | Mar 15, 2019 | Get Togethers
Central Phoenix • Inez Casiano NOW chapter hosted a movie event on March 13th. An abbreviated version of Equal Means Equal titled Legalize Equality, was shown, followed by a lively discussion of the ERA and the problems getting it passed by the AZ legislature. “A...
by Central Phoenix NOW | Feb 25, 2019 | Meeting
On Feb. 24 at our chapter meeting, Meghan Hiryak (pictured), Bloom 365, spoke to us about her findings on hysterectomies and the intersections of race and reproductive rights. She gave us startling statistics and facts that pointed to physicians and other medical...
by Central Phoenix NOW | Feb 25, 2019 | Meeting
Paula (center) on one of her trips to Cuba.Guest Speaker: Paula Cullison, long-time advocate for women’s rights, peace and social justice around the world, will give us a history of women’s rights in honor of Women’s History Month.She is now working on “2020 – In...