Women’s Equality Day Aug. 26

Women’s Equality Day Aug. 26

We tabled at the AZ Celebrates the 19th Amendment event on August 26, #womensequalityday. The keynote speakers were Kathy Huffman, State Superintendent of Education and Coral Evans, mayor of Flagstaff and candidate for LD 6 in the state legislature. The Parade of...
August meeting recap

August meeting recap

Dianne Post brought an action to the meeting. Uncage and Reunite Families, a local group fighting the cruel policies and heartless treatment of refugees and asylum seekers, is working with other groups to encourage Congress to do field hearings in Arizona to learn the...
Moms Demand Action

Moms Demand Action

About 300 people came out for the smarter gun laws rally on August 18, organized by Moms Demand Action. Our NOW chapter tabled in support of the event. There were some great speakers, and sad personal stories shared of lost loved ones by gun violence. It was excellent...
How can NOW support you?

How can NOW support you?

Community Round Table Central Phoenix • Inez Casiano NOW is meeting Sept. 17th to discuss how to build a better Phoenix for all women. We need to hear from you! As we gear up for the upcoming legislative session, NOW wants to make sure our actions are inclusive of all...
Our next monthly chapter meeting: August 25

Our next monthly chapter meeting: August 25

NEW LOCATION – AND COME EARLY FOR BREAKFAST This month we are offering a Slack workshop. Slack brings all your communication together Teamwork in Slack happens in channels — a single place for messaging, tools and files — helping everyone save time and collaborate...
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