Sunday, July 26th
10 am to noon
We are hosting this meeting online.
CPIC NOW is adapting! Due to COVID-19, we are hosting our July meeting online.
Meeting starts at 10:00 am
July speakers will start off the meeting and our Chapter Meeting will begin afterward.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 820 9143 1526
Password: 659481
Pinny Sheoran – is the League of Women Voters – Arizona Chapter’s State Advocacy Chair. She has been with the organization for six years. She is a longtime champion of good government and fair elections, active in a variety of progressive causes, including Outlaw Dirty Money and voter registration efforts. Join us as she tells us about the LWV, along with some of its history and current activities. Connect to our July Zoom meeting to learn about the League of Women Voters – 2020 is the 100th Anniversary of the League of Women Voters.