Recap of guest speaker from Sept 22 meeting.
Stanford Prescott, International Rescue Committee, talking points:
- International rescue committee was founded in 1933 by Albert Einstein
- Jewish immigrants fleeing from Europe, since then fleeing from genocide, terror, communist during the cold war, violence in Middle East, Asia, Africa today
- Global organization, here in the US they have offices in 25 cities partnered with the government to do refugee resettlement
- They offer classes – cultural orientation, job classes, gender relations, financial literacy and more
- Provide culturally appropriate food, clothing, furniture, diapers and more
- Economic empowerment programs, financial literacy, credit building loans, business development over 200+ refugee started their own companies
- Match savings, first home or first car – low interest auto loans
- Community gardens around town, have spaces to grow their own food
- 84% of refugees they work with are self-sufficient after 6 months
How you can help:
- Attend their free event, World Bazaar Phx – December 7th from 10 am – 3 pm, cultural cuisine, community, activities
- Volunteer – contact
- Text RESCUE to 738684 to sign up to receive text alerts on action items (will not ask for money)
- In-kind donations are always needed, contact to donate items