Our guest speaker in September will be Carmen Linero-Lopez.
Through FMF’s Feminist Campus program, I work with pro-choice, student-led organizations on colleges and universities across the western states. I work with students all the way from the University of Alaska, in Fairbanks, AK down to Rice University in Houston, TX and everywhere in between. I support these awesome students in their efforts to create change on their campuses and in their communities, across the country, and around the world.
In addition to my work with our nonpartisan organization’s Feminist Campus program, I will spend time this fall coordinating the Feminist Majority’s campaign to help get Arizona feminists elected in November. We will be hiring students at several colleges and universities across the state and working with other campus and community organizations to mobilize the student vote through education about voting rights and what’s at stake in this election.
Read more about her work and the organizations she supports:
Feminist Majority Foundation | Feminist Campus | FMF Facebook | Feminist Campus Facebook
Feminist Majority | FM Facebook

Sunday, Sept 23, 2018, 10 am – noon
Chartreuse/Hazel & Violet, 1301 NW Grand Avenue Phoenix, AZ
You can bring a covered drink as there are original artworks to be careful of. Two new coffee/tea shops are right near the gallery.
Also, get to meet and question the candidates: Kiana Sears, Corporation Commission; Lela Alston, State Senator LD 24; Kelli Butler, LD 28; David Garcia, Governor.