During the Arizona legislative session you can count on Dianne Post’s reports to give you the unfiltered briefs targeted to the issues you’re willing to take action on. Thank you, Dianne!


HCR2012 – ratification of ERA in House – not assigned. Need letters, phone calls, emails to Speaker of the House: J.D. Mesnard (R), District 17 (Chandler, Gilbert, Sun Lakes) 602-926-4481, JMESNARD@azleg.gov, Arizona State Capitol, J.D. Mesnard, Room 223, 1700 W. Washington, Phoenix, AZ 85007

Action: Assign HCR2012 (ERA) to the government committee immediately so that it can be heard (more favorable than judiciary).

SCR1003 – ratification of ERA in Senate – assigned to government unfortunately chaired by John Kavanagh. So write to Senator Kavanagh (R ) asking him to schedule it for a hearing. District 23 (Fountain Hills), 602-926-5170, JKAVANAGH@azleg.gov, Room 300, 1700 W Washington, AZ 85007

Bills up for hearing next week:

HCR 2004

Repeal clean elections
Oppose, House Appropriations, hearing on 1/25


Prohibited acts re immigration, requiring cities to cooperate with homeland security and cops
Oppose, Assigned to House FPR&PP, hearing on 1/24


Must submit sexual assault evidence kits in 15 days, annual reporting on rape kits
Support, House Judiciary and public safety, hearing on 1/25/17


Aggressive soliciting illegal, Kavanaugh
Oppose Assigned to Senate judiciary, hearing on 1/26


Cash assistance to children allowed if living with unrelated adult and in DCS care
Support, Senate Health Human Services – hearing on 1/25


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