Central Phoenix • Inez Casiano NOW



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We Are Not a One Issue Organization!

What we are is dedicated to working on NOW’s six core issues that promote intersectional solutions to the oppression faced by women in Arizona as well as women nation-wide and abroad.

Our Six Core Issues

  • BReproductive RIghts & Justice
  • BEnding Violence Against Women
  • BEconomic Justice
  • BLGBTQ RIghts
  • BRacial Justice
  • BConstitutional Equality Amendment

Upcoming Events

Legislative Committee Meeting

Our Legislative Meeting occurs on the 3rd Sunday of the month from 10am – 12pm via Zoom.

Monthly Chapter Meeting

Our chapter meeting occurs on the 4th Monday of every month from 6pm – 8pm via Zoom.

Make an Immediate IMPACT!

Get more information about our chapter’s activities on our news and events page. Learn more about current legislative actions that affect all of us. Find out what you can do to help make an immediate impact. 

The purpose of NOW is to take action to bring women into full participation in the mainstream of American society now, exercising all the privileges and responsibilities thereof in truly equal partnership with men.

Latest ERA Coalition Ad

Transcript: As we commemorate our nation’s founding this July 4th, let’s remember the vision the founders laid out: a framework for freedom and democracy. The American Revolution was a fight against tyranny and oppression. Today, we fight to preserve our democracy and freedom from those who are stripping away our rights. Our strongest weapon is the Equal Rights Amendment. It’s time to ensure that sex discrimination is explicitly barred by the United States Constitution. We need gender justice now. No compromise on our rights. Let’s celebrate our independence by electing champions who will fight for the rights and freedoms of every person in this country. Find your ERA certified candidates with our Elect Equality tool and vote in the fall elections like your equality depends on it, because it does. Take action now. For yourself, for everyone you love and care about – let’s get this done. Join us in making a stand for democracy and freedom by electing equality this November. Let’s ensure that gender equality is not just a promise but a reality.
Soundtrack by Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/
Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…

Who are The ERA Coalition?

We work with our partner organizations to provide a strong forum for all voices, inclusive and multi-generational. We are building the groundswell moving towards equality. The ERA Coalition has done extensive work on what we believe is the next step in constitutional equality.

How Can You Help Promote the ERA?

Help the Central Phoenix Inez Casiano (CPIC) NOW chapter in the vital effort to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in Arizona. By becoming a member, you join a dedicated community committed to advancing gender equality and justice. Stay informed with up-to-date information on how your ongoing support through volunteering, funding, and advocacy can make a real difference. Your membership amplifies our collective voice, strengthens our mission, and brings us closer to achieving equality for all. Join us today and be a part of history in the making!

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